Friday, June 10, 2022

She Speaks With Wisdom

Caution: this article may be triggering as it involved both religion and politics.

This is your opportunity to break away or if you're brave, feel free to read on. 😀

A reminder that this is written with good intentions for women and the purpose is to spread truthful information that is being misrepresented elsewhere around the internet.


In the Book of Proverbs Verse 31:26 from the Bible, it states, "She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." It is not mentioned often, but even the Bible says that we should be listening to women as we are filled with wisdom. And in today's modern world where we are still speaking about equality, this is truly relevant in our time. 

With much of the most controversial topics centering around women, it seems baffling that women's words are not taken too much into account. While scrolling through the news on abortions, I've seen women having to ask tough questions to men trying to preach about what God means for us to do when it comes to babies. The questions these female anchors ask to have to do with trying to find out what are the plans for the women (single or already with family) who are being forced to have children and how will they be supported during those life's challenges.

This image shows Oklahoma's statistics relevant to the position in question on the consequences of not having an abortion.

For accessibility purposes:
State of Economy for Oklahoma Families
21.3% of children live below poverty line.
71% of SNAP participants are in families with kids.
Oklahoma 42nd Overall in Well-Being.

I tweeted about this earlier particular example earlier. Here is the link to view the specific video clip:

Yes, this is the realm of politics. No, it is not okay to mention the opposing side when asked the question about what the Governor's plan is in terms of executing additional support for women while holding a State's seat. You can't help, but think: 
What does this have to do with women by mentioning a political party or viewpoints on them?
So, where does it mention that babies help contribute to paying bills? Or make bills less expensive in any way?

Questions like these keep getting avoided by Republican politicians who are trying their darndest to ban abortion legislation in multiple ways or instill additional restrictions on accessing abortion procedures, including Roe v. Wade. God is being used as an example of why abortions should be illegal. But again, the Bible mentions listening to the wisdom of women. At this point, whose words do we follow then? The politician's viewpoint on what he interprets as God's words, or the scripture itself that was written through God's actions and intentions? If religion is the focus of the defense, then it should be represented truthfully, and the answer is obvious.

The takeaway from this is to hear what the women have to say about their own bodies in order to produce a solution to a problem like expanding our healthcare and access to resources in obtaining that healthcare rather than restricting or banning parts of it.

This also raises another question in this matter, how many women are being interviewed on this topic instead of the people trying to shut down our rights? More airtime on media is given priority to those who wish to ban women's rights and focuses on the male perspective of our bodies, household roles, and what they believe is our purpose in life when it comes to reproduction. Try it for yourself and see what pops up on google searches or even scrolling through social media. How many female points of view are you seeing being circulated around the internet on this most critical issue? Feel free to leave a comment below on what you have discovered. I'm genuinely curious if you're seeing the same things that I am because these have been the results that I've come across for the past couple of months since I've heard about Roe v. Wade being threatened. The majority of what I see is "don't kill babies" and "women should have babies from rapists". YIKES!!!!

What world do we live in again? Is this truly the land of the free? Increased questions keep approaching that stay unanswered for the sake of redirecting back to political rally trendy quotes opposing abortion. There has not been any feedback listed on what should be done to help the poverty crisis, which these abortion bans are contributing to. There are no plans for increasing resources for people who are being denied them. And racism is still being ignored by those saying that it still doesn't exist, while black women still have the highest birth mortality rates. Hispanic and Latin women are still being treated as if all have jumped over the border wall and "need to be sent home." In what area are women free?

I'd like to encourage you to exercise a bit of courage today and react to at least 5 social media posts today expressing support for women's rights from everywhere including the U.S. Write a post on any of your social media profiles stating that Women's Rights are Human Rights. It can be a hashtag, added to a graphic, a gif, a quote, only text, whatever you want! As much effort is being focused on restricting women's access to resources or heavily trying to bury women with sexist propaganda, try to put out at least one post, shared or created, on an important woman in your life or your opinion on where we can improve on providing more equality for women.

View my Twitter page for more inspiration:

Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.

Don’t forget! No matter what, you can always shine on.

#shespeaks #wisdom #religion #abortion #politics #RoevWade #SunshineHeadquarters #inspirational #blog #AndrelynWriting