Friday, February 19, 2021



When it comes to what seems to be the unstoppable force called love, there are still many people who have not experienced it yet and those are skeptical about it even though it has been seen that other people have it. So a common question comes up...

Can a person live a life without love?

The short answer is no.

Because love is…

  • time as sometimes it can be at first sight or flourish from a beautiful partnership between what would turn out to be soulmates.
  • warmth in feeling and being wholesome to others and one’s self or warmth that is as fulfilling on a cold night and sunny day.
  • awkward as you’ll laugh through embarrassing moments.
  • inspiration for things you thought you could never do.
  • healing of the heart, the bones, of many things.
  • motivation to push through anything.
  • courageous for each person as it can be a great risk.
  • being respectful to each other and especially yourself.
  • surprising as it comes when least expected.


  • love is fine and kind.

There’s no love greater than an intimate one and that can either be romantic or platonic. Much more passion comes with romantic relations, which intensifies the love, so it naturally feels greater than anything else. This shows that romance is not overrated. But those lucky enough to have a maternal bond, know that it's unbreakable from the beginning of your life to the end. This may be different, but it is still a kind of love.

People put forth much effort just to have the experience of having a loved one in any way, especially romantically. El amor is the most sought-after affection whenever the person is ready for it or...not. This has nothing to do with whether someone is comfortable or prefers being single or not.

Love will come knocking at some point in all of our lives. And if it follows through with all that’s mentioned above, then you’ll know what love is and will want it for as long as you can grasp onto it without feeling afraid of getting heartbroken.

Keep in mind to love with all your might even during the hardest of times.

Say those three words,

"I love you."

You'll find it rewarding and

our humanity also depends on it.

Don’t forget! No matter what, you can always shine on.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Family Reunification Task Force


(Photo by

I wrote a poem inspired by President Joe Biden's action in what I hope is being done and what I think the families are feeling throughout this transition.

The waiting has stopped

for families locked up.

Feelings of incompleteness

with lots of loneliness

slowly reaching to a halt

workers try to locate all.

Trashed aluminum blankets

no more sitting in cages.

Children happily crying

Reunion celebrating.

(Photo by

Don’t forget! No matter what, you can always shine on.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Create More Connections


It is so easy to block another person for whatever the reason may be.

Could you dare to do the impossible and create a bridge with someone you've been in a quarrel with for many years?

It is quite a challenge, but when it works out...

oh the wonderful possibilities!

~Andrelyn Izquierdo

Don’t forget! No matter what, you can always shine on.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Accepting a Pandemic

(Image by FelixMittermeier from Pixabay)

 When life goes in an awry direction after a Pandemic hits, it would be wise to accept it in this situation as a virus and disease is considered a natural cause. To fight it, would be to fight the unstoppable force. One just does not mess with Mother Nature. 

Needn't to worry...

The storms will quiet, the snow will melt, the rain will dry, and the clouds will make room for the sun to shine.

Hope everyone is safe and has a great day!

Do your part in not spreading COVID-19.

~Andrelyn Izquierdo

Don’t forget! No matter what, you can always shine on.