It is real! People are proud to say to any black person of any age that they should still be slaves. What year are we in again? That's right, it's 2020 and yet history is still repeating itself with the same words and same actions violating Human Rights and enforcing inequality. Take the anti-protestors of the Black Lives Matter Movement instigating by using their racism to episodes of Law Enforcement abusing protestors without saying a single word to examine them before they are about to assault any of them.
Aside from that, there's still the other acts such as spitting, denial of Black's point of view, and false accusations that have already been going on for years. It is happening and by defending their actions, those people are enabling them to still act racist and therefore are included as being racist themselves.
All people are included in the Black Lives Matter label when it comes to equality. It just emphasizes that they still need it to because they don't have it. No, not all of them do as well as other colored people too. With me being Hispanic, I am one of those to be included as well.
When people say, "White Lives Matter," they are promoting a White Supremacist (organization of racist white people) quote that was intended to be racist, to be unfair only to the Black People at the time. So stating this quote today supports that even if you are not aware. It is been cast on several news outlets, social media, and conferences. On this day, there is no excuse for still using this quote unless you are displaying yourself as a White Supremacist and/or supporter of theirs.
We are still fighting for the same thing that is still not being practiced even though there are laws restricting this irrational and harmful behavior. People are dying!
They are people too, just like the rest of us. They should not be treated as property, with disrespect, and inhumanely.
Ask yourself this question...
Would you want to be treated that way too?
If not, then stop doing it.
If not, then start doing better.
If not, then fight against it.
If not, then do not enable those who are doing it.
If no, be sure that they know it's wrong!
Talking can save someone's life even if you do not know it.
Don't forget! No matter what, you can always shine on.