Saturday, August 8, 2020


 A miracle is something that appears out of nowhere. 

An astonishing surprise that has been left wanting for a long time. 

It comes when you least expect it and when it arrives, it seems timeless. 

A glow that has come to answer all of your prayers.

Keeps you satisfied until it's time is up.

Then the cycle starts all over again.

Some are fortunate enough to receive it more than once.

Others not so lucky to have seen it at all yet.

What's a miracle to you?

Do you believe in them?

Have you had one?

Don’t forget! No matter what, you can always shine on.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Black Lives Matter....Too!

As more horrific events arise to the surface to be seen of those using excessive force on people who are just trying to exercise their First Amendment Right, it is still unbelievable how blind the audience really is. This includes people of all races, not just one. There are actual comments being made to excuse so many circumstances of police brutality, racial slurs tossed to anyone who passes by, and fighting to happen everywhere. It seems like the people choosing to abuse their power are not even putting forth much effort to really hide it anymore, except for those who are still in Government covering their actions up with lies and diversions.

It is real! People are proud to say to any black person of any age that they should still be slaves. What year are we in again? That's right, it's 2020 and yet history is still repeating itself with the same words and same actions violating Human Rights and enforcing inequality. Take the anti-protestors of the Black Lives Matter Movement instigating by using their racism to episodes of Law Enforcement abusing protestors without saying a single word to examine them before they are about to assault any of them. 

Aside from that, there's still the other acts such as spitting, denial of Black's point of view, and false accusations that have already been going on for years. It is happening and by defending their actions, those people are enabling them to still act racist and therefore are included as being racist themselves.

All people are included in the Black Lives Matter label when it comes to equality. It just emphasizes that they still need it to because they don't have it. No, not all of them do as well as other colored people too. With me being Hispanic, I am one of those to be included as well. 

When people say, "White Lives Matter," they are promoting a White Supremacist (organization of racist white people) quote that was intended to be racist, to be unfair only to the Black People at the time. So stating this quote today supports that even if you are not aware. It is been cast on several news outlets, social media, and conferences. On this day, there is no excuse for still using this quote unless you are displaying yourself as a White Supremacist and/or supporter of theirs.

We are still fighting for the same thing that is still not being practiced even though there are laws restricting this irrational and harmful behavior. People are dying!




They are people too, just like the rest of us. They should not be treated as property, with disrespect, and inhumanely.

Ask yourself this question...

Would you want to be treated that way too? 

If not, then stop doing it.
If not, then start doing better.
If not, then fight against it.
If not, then do not enable those who are doing it.
If no, be sure that they know it's wrong!

Talking can save someone's life even if you do not know it.

Don't forget! No matter what, you can always shine on.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Do you ever get annoyed when someone asks you, "Why aren't you smiling?" Well, there's a reason for it.

A smile can be contagious no matter what mood you are in at that very moment. One time after a long drawn out stressful day at work with altercations, I was not feeling in the mood to go shopping but needed to buy lunch sandwiches from Costco since I was out of them at home. Someone made a lasting impression to keep me angry on the way to the store and while shopping. Just as I approached one of the many long lines at the registers, there sat a baby inside a shopping cart in front of me. I couldn't help but oogle at him. When our eyes met, he instantly smiled at me and there went mine right back at him. It was like a reflex. No thinking involved, just an automatic reaction. After that, I really couldn't think of what made me angry. My attention was only at his smile. He glanced at me a few more times with that smile almost larger than his face. Something as simple as a smile can lift your day.


(Photo by:

Food for Thought:

Have you heard someone mention to you before that it takes fewer muscles to smile compared to a frown on your face? The approximate number of muscles is still being argued today, but according to How Stuff Works, "it takes 10 muscles to produce a smile and 6 for a frown." This does not mean one shouldn't try to smile more. It simply means that the more you smile, the more muscles exercised to do so adjusts to where it is much easier to smile than frown regardless of the quantity.


When sh*t hits the fan, turn the frown upside down. If you need a little help, a calendar of cute puppies by your computer would do the trick. Mine is usually full of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, of course. But that's me! Currently, it's a Peanuts calendar with Charlie Brown throwing the kite to a tree saying, "Here..Take it." Hehe

A smile can be left behind after a good chuckle as well. So feel free to pop some popcorn and watch some funnies while staying at home away from the coronavirus and COVID-19 disease.
Hope everyone stays safe.

Don't forget! No matter what, you can always shine on.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Keep Your Head Up

With this Covid-19 really showing people what it's capable of after a lot of underestimation (Yes, I'm one of those included in the skepticism), I think it is important to connect with others to help keep your head up. Many of us have lost a loved one in and out of this virus recently, but need to still stay on the positive side. When the sky turns grey, the sun eventually shines through chasing those clouds away. As hard as it is when you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel or the tippy top of that long drawn out staircase, there really is always an end to produce another beginning. It's the circle of life. This plague will eventually pass even without knowing when it is going to be finished. With something so huge, Americans have been known to overcome anything as a whole and show other countries how we are when things go terribly bad that we all share. After all, we're usually the ones helping others with our forces, technology, and people. So for sure, we'll get through this despite the statistics reading that we are gonna be hit the worst.

For everyone who has lost someone, I am sorry for your loss and know nothing can replace them. To me, I believe that they somehow can help strengthen you in fighting it out even after they are gone. Don't let fear take hold and drive everyone to madness. Be thankful and practice safety. Stay calm as much as possible for you, your family, your friends...everyone.

(Background photo by: Jplenio)

Don't forget! No matter what, you can always shine on.

Monday, March 23, 2020


With this coronavirus pandemic, high stress has returned with concerns for finances, work, and family life. Of course, the unknowing can be nerve-wracking just as much as the rest with no idea when this event will end whether it will be sooner or later. So for all of us in that boat, let's say goodbye to stress.


(Photo by:

Best of luck to each of you, especially those already in quarantine, to hang in there until this fades away.

Don't forget! No matter what, you can always shine on.

Sunday, March 22, 2020


This quote goes to all of the ladies from all walks of life.

An intellectual woman can be considered dangerous because knowledge is power.

A woman with attitude can be powerful so don't test those boundaries.

Most of all, a woman with class can give you just enough sass and can still break through all challenges.


Don't forget! No matter what, you can always shine on.

Saturday, March 21, 2020


There's nothing like waking up in the morning to that phone call. The one you were already expecting, but still hoping that there's just a little bit more time. No matter which end of the line you're on, it's still hard to hear or say.

With another new death in the family, things can sometimes be difficult individually and as a whole. So much of it is happening between all of my families and seeing posts from others that it's beginning to become numb to me a bit. It is not as frequently as every day, but it is more often than it should be I think even though it is part of the circle of life. It almost seems like there's a bunch in clusters at a time too, but that's me.

For those who are or will eventually become to struggle with grief, I hope this quote finds or puts you in a good place.

(Photo by: Eleora)

May their memories stay alive with us and keep us moving. I hope everyone in my family tries to have a good day today. He's resting in peace now instead of in pain.

Don't forget! No matter what, you can always shine on.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Lift Up

Often times it seems like there is just too much ignorance and those who turn the cheek from what I see and experience on a daily basis. When someone is in need or struggling, support should be provided whether they tell you or you see it for yourself. This can be applied to any emergency no matter who the person is.

But then there are those days where I come across a story of someone paying it forward to a person they have had never met before that completely melts the heart.

This is a reminder that there are good people out there from a beautiful quote by Maya Angelou.

"Try to be a rainbow
in someone's cloud."

~ Maya Angelou

Image result for try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud

(Picture from Pinterest -

Lift someone up from the bottom, lift up their soul. Be there for someone and make their day. If more people did this, I truly believe that the world would be a better place. Be a rainbow for someone you know, a family member, or a stranger. This goes to everyone.

Don't forget! No matter what, you can always shine on.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Happy Women's Day!

Wishing you all a day full of good vibes that recognizes
 women for their immeasurable strength.

International Women’s Day

(Photo by: smartphone)

Saturday, March 7, 2020


Ever get that feeling when your day is just not going right no matter what you do?

BUT...when you finally try that one last thing, it changes around completely and it's so much better?

To me, that's when the balance is achieved since the scale is not completely shifted to one side. It is not only good that occurs, but the bad is not so much.

Hope all of you have a day or evening that finds balance.

Albert Einstein inspirational quote

(Photo by: Good Housekeeping)

Don't forget! No matter what, you can always shine on.

Monday, March 2, 2020


Three months into the New Year and there's still a long way to go 

getting those resolutions checked off the list. Here's some inspiration to either get 

started or keep on going.

"Believe you can...


you're halfway


~Theodore Roosevelt

Don't forget! No matter what, you can always shine on.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Stay Bright

March is known to be National Women's Month. 

Here is a quote to honor every woman and to inhibit strength.

(Picture from Happy Women's Day Quotes)

Don't forget! No matter what, you can always shine on.